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Typical different teaching methods differences in student health awareness - By Gaoxiong some scientific and technical university example


翻轉教學是現今常被用來提升教育成效的教學方式,一般主觀上認為採用傳統授課的教學方式,比不上有互動的翻轉教學,惟學生素質、先天程度不同,翻轉教學是否具有萬靈丹般之成效值得去探討。本研究為個案研究,採便利取樣,研究樣本為台灣南部某科技大學健康事業管理系(以下簡稱健管系)及高齡暨長期照護系(以下簡稱高長系)之學生 (包括二技學制與四技學制)。因壓傷傷口、全關節被動運動為多數需長期照護者常見情況,故研究工具係以此二內容自編之題項(經專家審視)來測量學生對長期照護之認知,共施測三次,分別是講授前、傳統課堂教學後、翻轉教學實施後。而研究結果顯示,未實施講授前學生對長期照護認知係健管系四技生成績最差,高長系二技生與四技生均優於健管系四技生;實施傳統課堂講授後,學生成績均有提升,但高長系二技生優於健管系四技生;實施翻轉教學後,若依二技生、四技生來比較,健管四技生與高長二技生或四技生相比已無顯著差異。本研究結果推論,學生經傳統課堂授課或翻轉教學均可提升其程度,而翻轉式教學對無高長相關背景之學生比傳統課堂授課有效,此結果可提供教育先進參考,針對不同科系、不同背景的學生,選擇適合該類型學生的教學方法更能提升教學成效。


傳統教學 翻轉教學


The study is mainly divided into two stages, the first stage to understand the motivation of research purposes, collect literature, test questions before and after production and distribute the questionnaires 420 samples from department of health business administration and department of Gerontological and long term care business in a University in Kaohsiung. The second stage is to use isomorphic verification to divide the testers into two groups, half of which use traditional education to take one-way communication-type teaching; The other half of the samples applied flip education. We divide the samples into two groups by using Test of Homogeneity. On group applied traditional one-way teaching approach. The other group applied Flipped classroom approach. Invite volunteers to take to the stage repeat what demonstrated earlier Finally, we adopt post test, collect questionnaires, and data analysis to judge which approach is more appropriate to students.
