  • 期刊


Spatial Narrative in the Mahāparinibbāna-sutta of the Dīrghāgama




遊行經 聖化 涅槃 空間敘事


The Mahāparinibbānasutta of the Dirghagama is the early Buddhist sutra describing Buddha's nirvana. The Mahāparinibbānasutta is a religious literature work with the character of Narrative upon the text's Narration and the character's religiosity, therefore, this study will explore the meaning of spatial description in Mahāparinibbānasutta through the two spatial views in Narratology and Religious Studies. The second section of the main text will focus on the structural space of the story discussing the descriptive way of time-spacialization in Mahāparinibbānasutta and explaining how the story applies the transformation of structural space to advance the storyline development. At last, expounding the spatial order between convention and sacredness in Mahāparinibbānasutta from the relationship between event sites and character's attributes. The third section will exam the examples of Kusinagara and Makutabandhana-cetiya and discuss the Themed Space highlighted as the object of description in Mahāparinibbānasutta. The stories describe Buddha was a wheel-turning sage king in past life, entered into nirvana in this life and the nirvana place becomes a Buddhist holy ground in future life. That the three lives intersect in one space enables Kusinagara as Buddha's nirvana place from conventional space into a sacred holy ground. In addition, what happened in Buddha's burial such as not being able to lift the bed, appearing Buddha's feet and the coffin's spontaneous combustion constructs Makutabandhana-cetiya's Themed Space with the characters of human-god's interweaving and co-existence in Heterogeneity. Buddha's wander is not only including the footprint of teaching in wander linked by the structural spaces such as Rajagṛha, Vaisali and Bamboo Grove, but also including the transmigration trip in Buddha's three lives. Other than that, it represents Buddha's teaching for sentient being in three realms metaphorically, the three -dimension of spatial narratinity constructs the concrete picture of Buddha's entering conventional world and exceeding the sacredness in wander.


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