  • 期刊


On the Doctrine of Ch'i and the Practice of Self-cultivation in Liu Xie's Wenxindiaolong




劉勰 《文心雕龍》 氣論 身體觀 工夫論


Academic critics were used to doing modernly complex or professional research about Liu Xie's Wenxindiaolong from his ideology and literary theories. The masterpiece "encompassing all speeches and including enormous and comprehensive literary system" has also been studied and interpreted from the wide angle of humanity. Among these researches, the canonical criticism of the Literary Ch'i in the Six Dynasties literary theory deriving from the review of personal characters in the Eastern Han Dynasty unveils the significance of "Ch'i." By studying the academic background, the history of ideology, and the literary system of "Ch'i" in Wenxindiaolong, people can understand more the essence of humanity the "Ch'i" displays. It is true that the previous studies concerning Liu Xie's literary theory of Ch'i did have some discoveries. However, they were less studied from the bodily perspective of self-cultivation and levels of state of mind for constructive and integrated knowledge in Liu Xie's literary theory of Ch'i. Thus, the thesis focuses on the texts of Wenxindiaolong and aims to study its related issues in detail for discovering the canonical significance of Liu Xie's literary theory of Ch'i anew.


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戴景賢:〈論劉勰《文心雕龍》之文學本質論及其玄學基礎〉,《臺大中文學報》第37 期(2012 年6 月),頁129-174。
侯迺慧:〈由「氣」的意義與流程看《文心雕龍》的創作理論〉,《文心雕龍綜論》(臺北:臺灣學生書局,1988 年5 月),頁241-283。


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