  • 期刊


A discussion on Mencius concept of the king-minister relationship: From the ancient sage kings and ministers to Li-Fen




孟子 堯舜 古聖王賢相 理分


Mencius through the examples of Yao, Shun, the ancient sages and sage kings critiqued monarchial autonomy and offered a new understanding of the relationship between Kings and ministers as well as virtue's role in the separation of power between the two. Yet after close inspection it is apparent that Mencius' intention was not in proving the historical truth of the acts of Yao and Shun, but on the contrary, he uses a new approach to explaining the significance of the acts of these ancient sages. Mencius sought to use these sages as concrete models of virtue, to set the standard for how kings and ministers should rule and how the power between them should be separated. Mencius also stays within the same tradition of thought as Confucius, in that he also emphasizes the importance of the relationship and interaction between a king and his ministers, denoting the rejection of an autocratic Monarch, which then was cemented into the tradition of Confucian thought. Mencius introduced the new king-minister relationship ideal of 「大有為之君」and「不召之臣」. This ideal is based upon the thinking that the delegation of power should be decided using virtue as a standard, and in stating this emphasizing the importance of the interaction between kings and ministers. Mencius used historical figures and the descriptions as concrete models, hoping to bring to light the necessity of using Li-Fen as the primary principle when delegating power. This thus gave rise to the argument supporting the use of Li-Fen as the standard when deciding the balance of power and more importantly rejecting the idea of an autonomous monarch. This paper takes a look at the basis for Mencius' "King-minister" relationship concept by thus elaborating upon Mencius' concept of the delegation of power by using Yao, Shun and the Ancient Sages and Sage kings in juxtaposition to the autonomous ruler. Through the addition of unearthed Xian Qin documents this paper offers new insights into the similarities and differences between Confucius' and Mencius' "King-Minister" concept. In doing so shedding light on the fact that Mencius used the model of the sages of old and their recorded virtuous deeds, to serve as the standard and basis in the delegation of power between kings and ministers. In doing so incorporating the importance of using Li-Fen as the primary principle in the separation of power, thus solving the problem which was originally touched upon by Confucius, of how power should be transferred to the next rules as well as how it should be delegated between rulers and their ministers.


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