  • 期刊


Reconstruct the Hagiography: Adaptation Strategies and Religious Concerns of Fei Chien Chi




Fei Chien Chi (飛劍記), a story described Lu Tung-Pin (呂洞賓) who released sentient beings from suffering and evil written by Ten Chih-Mo(鄧志謨). The questions we concerned that how did Ten Chih-Mo popularize the story of Lu Tung-Pin? How did author handle the competition and cooperation relationship between belief and business activities? The author used Daoist scriptures and folklores texts to construct his fiction. Meanwhile, added his own perspectives into it. First, he made effort to emphasize immorality that the plot of Lu Tung-Pin flirted with Pai Mu-Tan (白牡丹), which absorbed sexual life ideas related to popular belief of Lu Tung-Pin. Second, author appropriated the poetry that recorded in Daoist scriptures into the fiction, which strengthened the serious and divine figure to Lu Tung-Pin. Furthermore, the author had his own concerning about well manners to Taoist priests, which called "enjoy self" (自適) and "benefit others" (利人). In Fei Chien Chi, author showed those good qualities in Lu Tung-Pin, but preserving secular figures at the same time. To sum up, this paper tries to reveal that Fei Chien Chi showed a specific aspect in the belief of Lu Tung-Pin.


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