  • 期刊


Taoism and Sexual Arts in Medieval China


早期道教繼承了漢代房中術的傳統,不少漢代房中著作的內容和概念,也因為道教徒的傳授、整理和詮釋,才得以流傳後世。 當時房中著作的內容大致包括:一、講述交媾的技術,以達到治病養生、延年益壽、長生不死的目標;二、傳授孕育子女的交配原則;三、將性活動和宗教儀式結合,闡述其消除災禍、度世成仙的功能;四、提供醫藥之方,做為修行房中術的輔助手段。 不過,道教內部對於是否要修練房中術至少有三種不同的態度。第一種是肯定和接受。第二種是貶抑和拒絕。第三種是取捨兩難、欲拒還迎。 總之,早期道教內部對於房中術並沒有一致的看法,和房中術的關係也是或疏或密,或分或合。但是,至少有部分的道派和道徒,的確將房中街視為重要的道法,並進行修練和傳授。他們所修行的房中術,主要是以「還精補腦」為核心觀念的「補養」之術,著重於醫療和養生的功能,至於漢代房中術的「生育」功能,雖仍被肯定、接受,卻不是道教房中術的主體。至於漢人重視的「房中之樂」,基本上是被忽略的。


房中術 道教 養生 醫療 神仙


Early Taoism inherited the Han (206 BC-220 AD) legacy of sexual art. The content and concept of most ancient texts concerning sexuality were transmitted by Taoists to later generations. Many of these texts deal with techniques of sexual intercourse in order to cure diseases, nourish life, extend one's life span and reach immortality. These texts also instruct the principles and methods for conceiving a good child. Some of them mention the ways to integrate sexual activity and religious ritual to ward off calamities and become an immortal. In addition, these texts provide medical recipes for treating difficulties and illnesses caused by sexual intercourse. Early Taoist texts, however, express three different attitudes towards the practice of sexual arts. Some Taoists wholly accepted the sexual arts and practiced them diligently. Others denounced sexual arts, rejected its practice completely. Some religious Taoists accepted it partially, but maintained that one should practice the sexual arts with one's spouse. In general, early religious Taoist attitudes towards sexual arts practice varied from sect to sect, even from individual to individual. It is a fact, at any rate, that some Taoists and Taoist sects regarded sexual arts as an essential part of Taoist practices. The key principle of Taoist sexual arts is the so-called huan-ching pu-nao (making the Essence return to restore the brain), emphasizing the function of healing and nourishing life, but neglecting the function of conceiving a child or giving pleasure.


sexual arts Taoism health healing immortality


Bokenkamp, Stephen R.(1997).Early Daoist Scriptures.Berkeley:University of California Press.
Bouhdiba, Abdelwahab(1985).Sexuality in Islam.London:Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Brown, Peter(1988).The Body and Society: Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity.New York:Columbia University Press.
Cohen, David(1991).Law, Sexuality, and Society: The Enforcement of Morals in Classical Athens.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Eskildsen, Stephen(1998).Asceticism in Early Taoist Religion.New York:State University of New York Press.


徐兆安(2008)。英雄與神仙: 十六世紀中國士人的經世功業、文辭習氣與道教經驗〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2008.00504
