  • 期刊


Song Dynasty Ci Poems Found in Yongle Canon.Changzhou Capital: Research on the Ci Poems included in Song Jiangyin Annals




The Song Jiangyin Annals (宋江陰志) is long lost. In volumes 13 through 18 of the Qing Codex of "Yongle Canon.Changzhou Capital" (《永樂大典.常州府》清抄本), poems from volume 14 through the end of Volume 15 are cited as coming from the Song Jiangyin Annals. In these poems and essays, there are fifteen writers and eighteen ci poems. Of these, ten of the writers and eleven of the ci poems are not found in the Quan Song Ci(全宋詞). The cipai (詞牌) "Kanhuahui Xu" (看花回敘), which has four paragraphs and 210 characters, has been lost and has not recorded among any scores. On the basis of the Song dynasty general and local geographical annals, this paper analyzes the cipai "Kanhuahui Xu" , providing important additional information pertaining to the backgrounds of these ci poems and the authors who were not included in the Quan Song Ci. Documentation of these writers' native places, official experiences, written works, and so forth is provided.


漢·孔安國傳,唐·孔穎達疏:《尚書正義》,收入清‧阮元校刻:《十三經註疏》,北京:中華書局,2009 年,清嘉慶刊本。
漢‧許慎:《説文解字》,北京:中華書局,2013 年。
漢‧鄭玄注,唐‧賈公彥疏:《周禮註疏》,收入清‧阮元校刻:《十三經註疏》,北京:中華書局,2009 年,清嘉慶刊本。
宋‧陳起編:《江湖後集》,收入《文淵閣四庫全書》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1986 年,第 1357 册。
宋‧費袞撰,金圓校點:《梁溪漫志》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1985 年。
