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Abolishing Marriage and Family is Breaking Oppressive Power Structures: A Continuum of Criticism related to Anarchism in China during the 1900s and 1910s




This paper uses three examples to discuss the intellectual structure related to Anarchism's marriage and family revolution in China during the 1900s and 1910s. A continuum of criticism was the starting the point for breaking oppressive power structures of abolishing marriage and family. 1. In 1907, He Zhen published the two articles, "Economic Revolution and Women's Revolution" and "Women Should Know Communism," in Tian Yi (Natural Justice). However, she did not focus on the equality of men and women, and instead focused on economic revolution. 2. In 1908, Hu Hanmin published "Unmarried Women in Guangdong" in New Century, introducing the culture of unmarried women in Guangdong, which originated in traditional mores and traced forward into modern times. 3. Between 1912 and 1914, Shifu published "Abolition of Family Doctrine," "Abolition of Marriage Doctrine," and related articles in Hui Ming Lu and Minsheng. He not only questioned the continuum of marriage and family, but also pointed out that abolishing marriage and family was the first step to breaking oppressive power structures. Furthermore, he used free love as a means of confrontation. By proposing abolishing marriage and family in order to break oppressive power structures, these writers intended not only to overthrow marriage and family, but also to criticize the interlocking continuum formed by the government, economy, culture, marriage, family, etc. The significance of this approach lay in breaking oppressive power structures, liberating the individual, and giving individuals the ability to face society. At the same time, their writings provided "another possibility" for understanding intimacy.


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