  • 期刊


Analogous and Mixed: The development of the Tang Dynasty Qitueinyu stories




齊推女 齊饒州 唐代小說 敘事 流衍 橫向傳播


This article compares two Tang Dynasty novels, Qitueinyu and Qiraojhou, which were written in the same era and have similar plots, in order to show how authors' 'narratives' affects the stories. Four aspects of the novels are compared-their beginnings, dialogue, character building, and the narrative technique-allowing an elucidation of the differences between the two novels. Their distinctive traits are found in the authors' writing styles and intents. On the basis of this comparison, this article finds that these two novels do not simply represent an original source text and its adaption. Rather, the two novels should be considered as sources spread 'horizontally' at the same period yet in disparate regions. After they were written, Qitueinyu and Qiraojhou evolved by mixing various messages. This article contains three sections that discuss how these two novels developed from the end of the Tang dynasty through to the Qing dynasty via rewriting, excerption, and imitation. The diverse forms and developments of the Qitueinyu stories demonstrate the hybrid and fluid nature of novels in ancient Chinese society, and the ways in which members of the literati rebuilt stories. Finally, this study examines the complexity of novel writing and the potential diverse ways of reading and interpreting novels.


王志浩:〈中晚唐傳奇集所見政治危機與秩序重構〉,《臺大中文學報》第 66 期,2019 年 9 月,頁 43-94。DOI:10.6281/NTUCL.201909_(66).0002
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晉‧張華:《博物志》,收入《四部備要》,臺北:臺灣中華書局,1978 年。
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