  • 期刊


The Terms of "(Zi Yi) Yin (Sheng) Yi Tong (Tong)" in Dai Zhen's Fang Yan Shu Zheng




This article focuses on the term of "(Zi Yi) Yin (Sheng) Yi Tong (Tong)" in Dai Zhen's Fang Tan Shu Zheng, and examines the rules pertaining to its definition and usage. I argue that this term was mostly used to define family words, and was followed by "Tongjia," but the common point between the two types is that the word groups have phonetic radicals. In the past, researchers mostly focused on Dai Zhen's academic phonological achievements in Fang Yan Shu Zheng, while ignoring Zhen's historical semantics and historical semantic methods. This paper analyzes each instance that used the term of "(Zi Yi) Yin (Sheng) Yi Tong (Tong)" in Dai Zhen's Fang Tan Shu Zheng, and examines its exegetical rules from the three standpoints: character sound, character shape, and character meaning. The results of this analysis are compared with Wang Nian Sun's term "Zi Yi Yin Yi Tong" found in previous studies. I determine that Dai Zhen's terminology was related to Wang Nian Sun's terminology.


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漢‧毛亨傳,漢‧鄭玄箋,唐‧孔穎達疏,李學勤主編:《毛詩正義》,臺灣:臺灣古籍出版社有限公司,2001 年。
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