  • 期刊


Trends of Digital Transformation in the Manufacturing Industry Drive Smart Machinery Business Opportunities


全球製造業透過數位轉型因應發展環境變化,並在數位轉型過程中,逐步實現智慧製造、工業4.0(Industry 4.0),以及創新商業模式。國際研發機構與廠商,持續將感測、物聯網、人工智慧、雲端平台與邊緣運算..等等資通訊與智慧科技整合到機械與生產系統中,進而形成智慧機械產品與應用方案,以協助製造業加速推動數位轉型。本研究分析國際工業4.0發展標竿-全球燈塔工廠,來瞭解數位應用方案需求,並觀察國際智慧機械產品發展現況;最後說明使用智慧機械,實現「設備即服務」商業模式之潛在效益與國際案例,藉此引發以智慧機械爭取數位轉型商機之策略思維。


Global manufacturing industry continues to respond to the changes in development environment through digital transformation to establish, maintain, and increase competitiveness. At the same time, with the process of digital transformation, it will gradually realize smart manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and innovative business models. In recent years, many international R&D institutions and manufacturers continuous to integrate sensing, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, cloud platforms and edge computing as well as information communications and smart technologies into machinery and production systems to form smart machinery products and applications to assist the manufacturing industry to accelerate its digital transformation. This research analyzes the cases of Global Lighthouse Network for Industry 4.0 to understand the needs of digital application solutions and also observes current developments of smart machinery products in the world. Finally, it explains the potential benefits and international cases of using smart machinery to realize the business model of Equipment as a Service (EaaS), which triggers the strategic thinking of using smart machinery to strive for business opportunities of digital transformation in the manufacturing industry.


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