  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



現今使用網際網路連線接取各項應用服務已相當普遍,網際網路甚至可以說是已無所不在與不可或缺,因此使用者在網路應用使用上的自由度以及通訊過程中的資訊安全已經成為最為關注的議題。本論文將致力於探討在一些常見的非自由網際網路環境中,可能出現的不明惡意干擾背後的機制與方法,以及針對這些可能的各種干擾提出一些解決辦法,並以實作來驗證所提解決辦法的有效性。本論文先逐一介紹傳統的網際網路連線的干擾方式,如IP 地址封鎖、網路連接埠封鎖,甚至是近年來發展出新型的干擾方法,如封包類別辨識、封包內容辨識與虛擬私有網路的初始化干擾,並逐一提出相對應的解決方法。


It is quite common for today's Internet to access diversified application services. Internet can even be said to be ubiquitous and indispensable, so users' freedom of using different Internet applications and the information security during data communication have become most concerned issues. Therefore, this paper will focus on exploring a few unidentified malicious interference mechanisms and methods behind some common Internet access networks without freedom, as well as addressing possible solutions to these possible interference methods, and we verify the effectiveness of the proposed solutions by implementation and experiments. In this paper, we will first introduce the traditional ways of interference to limit the Internet access one by one, such as Internet protocol address blocking, network port blocking, and even the new developed interference methods in recent years, such as packet type identification, packet content identification and the initialization interference in virtual private network. Besides, these corresponding solutions are also proposed one by one.
