  • 期刊


Notes on Water Beetle (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Penghu Islands, Taiwan


澎湖群島是臺灣最大的離島群,位於臺灣海峽,然而水棲甲蟲的研究仍然鮮為人知,因此為了更了解臺灣離島地區的水棲昆蟲,有必要對澎湖各島嶼進行實地調查並檢查博物館的藏品。本研究報導5科15種水棲甲蟲在澎湖群島之紀錄,其中紅邊大龍蝨(Cybister sugillatus Erichson, 1834)、點刻三線大龍蝨(Cybister tripunctatus lateralis(Fabricius, 1798))、姬麗龍蝨(Hydaticus rhantoides Sharp, 1882)、擬姬龍蝨(Rhantaticus congestus Klug, 1833)、光澤方胸龍蝨(Canthydrus nitidulus Sharp, 1882)、中華巨基小頭水蟲(Peltodytes sinensis(Hope, 1845))、費氏貝牙蟲(Berosus fairmairei Zaitzev, 1908)、錨麗陽牙蟲(Helochares atropiceus Régimbart, 1903)、密突麗陽牙蟲(Helochares neglectus(Hope, 1845))為澎湖新紀錄種,而錨麗陽牙蟲亦為首次記錄於臺灣。


肉食亞目 牙蟲科 水棲昆蟲 新紀錄 離島


The Penghu Islands are Taiwan's largest adjacent islands located in the Taiwan Strait. However, the aquatic beetles are still poorly known. In order to understand the aquatic insect fauna of Taiwan's offshore islands, a field survey was performed across Penghu islands and an investigation of museum collections was conducted. The results show that 15 species of aquatic beetles in five families are recorded from Penghu Islands, of which one is newly recorded in Taiwan: Helochares atropiceus Régimbart, 1903, and the following species are reported from Penghu for the first time: Berosus fairmairei Zaitzev, 1908, Canthydrus nitidulus Sharp, 1882, Cybister sugillatus Erichson, 1834, C. tripunctatus lateralis (Fabricius, 1798), Helochares neglectus (Hope, 1845), H. atropiceus Régimbart, 1903, Hydaticus rhantoides Sharp, 1882, Peltodytes sinensis (Hope, 1845) and Rhantaticus congestus Klug, 1833.
