  • 期刊


A Study on the Subjective Elements of Insider Trading




This article is to explore the "Knowing Possession" versus "Use" debate on insider trading prohibition under Taiwan's Securities Exchange Act (the "Act"), focusing on: is an insider's knowing possession of the material nonpublic information at the time of trade sufficient for insider trading liability? Or a trader's actual use of the information in making his trading decision should be proved? In Taiwan, most courts support "Knowing Possession standard" which means that the prosecution is not required to prove the material nonpublic information was used by a person when he made the purchase or sell. However, the author advocates "Modified Possession Standard" based on the purpose of the Act prohibiting insider trading and the principle of presumption of innocence. First, a person who was aware of the information at the time of trade does not mean he intentionally violated the law. Furthermore, under the doctrine of burden of proof, once the prosecution establishes the fact that a defendant was aware of information should be sufficient to prove that the defendant used the information because of the rules of experience and logic. On the other hand, the defendant can contend that he did not intentionally violate the law by offering evidence that the trade was not on the basis of the information.


〈胖達人變騙達人扯出炒股疑雲〉,《財訊雙周刊》,2013 年8月,第432期。
臺北地院103 年度金訴字第4 號
賴英照,《誰怕內線交易》,作者自版,2017 年10月,初版
