  • 期刊


A Study on The Privilege Against Self-incrimination of Armed Forces Punishment Act




There are both substantive and procedural rules in the Armed Forces Punishment Act, under the premise, if the wrongful person have to show the truth or evidence of the events to the chief of power initiatively, it will lead to a dilemma that the guy either receive negative effects from going against the duty or be punished because of self-incrimination, and that is such a humanity test related to the issue of human dignity protection in The Constitution. The privilege against self-incrimination is the core value of the human dignity protection in The Constitution, and it's worth to investigate that whether the value should not be applicable in the Armed Forces Punishment Act or not. This paper aims at widely exploring the development path of the privilege against self-incrimination, the rules of positive law, dispute about the applicability of administrative regulations and specifically analysis appliance of this law, and inferences the questions through cases in order to seek the appropriateness of each cases.


臺灣橋頭地方法院 105 年度行提字第 9 號行政訴訟裁定
社會秩序維護法第 72 條第 3 款規定
臺北高等行政法院 104 年度訴字第 1207 號判決
林文村,〈試論國軍懲罰評議程序中違失行為人參與權之保障〉,《軍法專刊》,2018 年 8 月,第 64卷第 4 期,頁 122,頁92-97。
司法院釋字第 582 號解釋許玉秀大法官協同意見書
