  • 期刊


The Burden of proving Causation in Claims for State Compensation arising from Official Wrongs of the Government: An Analysis on Supreme Court Judgment No.1077 (2017) and Procedural History




Pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 2, of the State Compensation Law, the State shall be liable for any damage arising from the intent or negligent act of any employee of the Government acting within the scope of his or her office or employment which infringes upon the freedom or right of any person. The same shall apply where harm is caused to the liberty or rights of the people by reason of failure of a public servant to discharge his or her duties. According to Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 469, as long as the official conduct of a public servant satisfies the following: exercise of public authorities, illegal conduct, sufficient causation between the harm to the liberty or rights of the identifiable persons and the illegal conduct, and the harm is not caused by natural disasters or force majeure events, the victim may base his or her case on either active action or passive inaction request state compensation. The allocation of the burden of proof in the state compensation of civil servants for official wrongs should be arranged by the legislature instead of the aim of the court. In principle, the burden of proving causation in claims for State Compensation should be borne by the plaintiff, except that the burden of proof should be shifted when the defendant seriously violates the obligation.


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