  • 期刊


Whether the Administrator of the Estate is Obliged to declare the Extinctive Prescription Defense - Focusing on Supreme Court Judgment Case No.106, against Legal Transition




The core issue of this judgment dispute is whether, under the circumstances of not affecting the fair repayment of other creditors, when the estate administrator pays off the debts, should he declare the extinctive prescription defense for the benefit of the heirs? This article cuts through the existence of the unclaimed inheritance system, and believes that when the estate manager is to pay off, the interests of the creditor, the treasury, and the heir should be the priority of the heir. However, the protection of heirs' interests is depend on whether the administrator of the estate is a temporary ordinary heir or a professional and rigorous processor in the unclaimed inheritance process. If it is the former, when the estate manager does not declare the extinctive prescription defense, he may return the right to choose whether to give up the limitation benefit to the heir through the unauthorized agency or unlawful disposition system, but it has the disadvantages of procedural delays and unstable transaction security. If it is the latter, the estate manager shall be obliged to declare the extinctive prescription defense against the heir. If the estate manager does not declare the extinctive prescription defense, the heir shall seek compensation from the estate manager in accordance with internal relations. However, in the general inheritance process the heir should have assumed the risk of not claiming the extinctive prescription defense. On the other hand, in the unclaimed inheritance process, the heir can pass this risk on to the estate manager completely. Therefore, in the unclaimed inheritance process, the heir is given preferential treatment. In the end, this article believes that the latter should be appropriate, and through this article, we can reflect on whether there is a lack of professional intervention in the general inheritance process, so that the heir does not have to bear the risk of handling the inheritance on his own, and it can also protect other stakeholders.


林秀雄,〈遺產管理人之職務與責任—最高法院106 年度台上字第2106 號民事判決評析〉,《月旦裁判時報》,2020 年3 月,第93 期,頁29。
司法院81 年8 月21 日(81)廳民二字第13793 號函
林秀雄,《繼承法講義》,元照出版社,2014 年,修訂6 版,頁212
民法第1177 條於74 年6 月3 日修正之立法理由
