  • 期刊


A Better Marketplace of Speech in the Era of Social Media - Focusing on the Information Choice of Listeners




In the discussion of freedom of speech, the focus is usually on speakers. However, the information choice of listeners actually plays a key role in allowing freedom of speech to operate according to the ideal model. The theory of marketplace of ideas assumes that if the market is free to compete, truth will prevail over fallacy. But the consumer characteristic of listeners makes them choose the information not based on their desire for truth but personal preference. In the era of social media, filter bubble will make it easier for listeners to be in the customized information world, and understanding ideas outside the bubble will become more difficult. When people no longer communicate, they cannot solve common social problems together.The foundation of democracy will be destroyed because of fragmentation of speech environment. Therefore, people should contact information which isn't chosen in advance in order to have common experience with other people. Through participating in public discussions can avoid the marketplace of ideas splitting.


Pariser,“The Filter Bubble: How the New Personalized Web Is Changing What We Read and How We Think”, Penguin Books, Apr. 2012, p.163-164.
Sunstein,“#Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media”, Princeton University Press, Mar.2017, p.6-7, 38-41, 44-46, 47-48, 51, 54-55, 56-57, 60, 84-85, 135, 140-141, 143, 145, 148-149, 159-160, 166.
林子儀,〈言論自由導論〉,收錄於李鴻禧,《台灣憲法之縱剖橫切》,元照,2002 年,頁 112-113、114-117、175-177。
黃銘輝,〈從言論自由的觀點初論網路假新聞的管制〉,收錄於彭芸、葉志良,《匯流、治理、通傳會論文集》,風雲論壇,2018 年,頁 119、128-130、141
黃銘輝,〈假新聞、社群媒體與網路時代的言論自由〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,2019 年 9 月,第 292 期,頁 16。
