  • 期刊


Interpretation and Applicability of Article 261 of the German Criminal Code on the Crime of Money Laundering - Also on Law Amendment Suggestions for Taiwan




The nature of the general crime of money laundering set out in Article 14 of the Money Laundering Control Act of Taiwan is similar to a behavioral offence that occurs after the offense of receiving stolen property (Anschlußdelikt). The establishment of the general crime of money laundering requires proof of the existence of the predicate offence or predicate act. Therefore, it is essentially difficult to determine this crime. The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering conducted the third round of mutual evaluation in Taiwan in November 2018 (on-site evaluation) and March 2019 (in-person inquiry). The evaluation report stated that "Sanction against the crime of money laundering is invalid and non-dissuasive", and listed it as one of the defects. The most critical reason thereto that this paper argues is as follows: The penalty for the crime of money laundering in Taiwan is still unimplementable due to the associated provisions in the amended Money Laundering Control Act released in December 2016 and implemented in June 2017, not due to the reason of insufficient statutory penalties. The solution thereto relies on further amendments to the provisions. In view of the above, this paper hereby proposed suggestions for re-amendments to the provisions on the crime of money laundering in Taiwan by referring to the legislative mode of the crime of money laundering set out in Article 261 of the German Criminal Law, and based on the interpretation thereunder.


BGH 17.7.1997 - 1 StR 230/97, NStZ-RR 1997, 359.
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Schröder/Textor, in: Fülbier/Aepfelbach/Langweg, Kommentar zum Geldwäschegesetz, 5. Aufl. 2006, Rn.30
BGH 27.7.2016 - 2 StR 451/15, NStZ 2017, 28 (29).
BGH 21.6.1995 - 2 StR 157/95, NStZ 1995, 500.
