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Translation and Digital Spaces: Translating for the Online Target Reader


Translators are increasingly seen as cultural mediators who negotiate various signals, contexts, and stances for the target readers (Katan 2009). Translators have an imagined or implied target for whom they are translating. As mediators between source and target text culture, translators may also have a role in an imagined community-they serve their roles as communicators between the imagined source and target communities, drawing upon their linguistic repertoires and background knowledge. The current study examines how multimodal aspects, such as spatial aspects for an online target reader, can enable ample scope for developing awareness of the target reader and target text output and mode for student translators. Findings from qualitative data indicate the usefulness of the translation brief and designating of an online target reader in the classroom to encourage students to take on roles as translators and mediators in the online space and take into consideration spatial aspects.


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