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The Art of Jade Articles in the Han Dynasty


Scores of articles were found in the excavations at the following sites: the tombs of Liu Shêng劉勝 and his wife (113, B.C.), the site near Mao ling 茂凌(87 B.C.), the tombs of Liu Tan 劉旦and his wife (80 B.C) and Liu Hsiu劉修 (55 B.C.), the site near Wei-ling渭陵 (48-33. B.C.), the tombs of Liu Yen劉焉(90 A.D.) and Liu Ch'ang劉暢(174 A.D) Using these finds, the author has made a study of Han jade from six different angles: 1. Han jade was a development from the foundation of the ancient jade with a long history and fine tradition. 2. Han jade had extensive uses which fall into six categories: ritual object, jewelry, utensil, ornament, charm, and funeral object. 3. The moulds of Han jade, dating from the ancient basic forms of rectangle, ring and animal-shapes, had gradually evolved into the complicated structures of merging of two or three fundamental moulds. 4. There were four basic types of carving of Han jade: (i) Three-dimensional carvings together with other ways of cutting: (ii) hairspring cutting; (iii) crude and fine-veins-cutting in intaglio; (iv) simple darving or polished surface without veins. 5. Han jade, having inlaid into gold-plated bronze works, shone to each other with dazzling brilliance. 6. The design of jade articles had changed from the partial exaggeration characteristic of pre-Ch'in先秦 to the stressing of motion of figures. During the period of Eastern Han東漢, the mould manufacture transformed to plain and low-relief cutting, giving a direction to the development of this art in the coming Wei, Chin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties it魏晉南北朝. Thus, the author came to a conclusion as follows: the bold and unrestrained artistic style of Han jade opened into a brilliant and completely new stage in the history of Chinese jade works. It built up a firm foundation for the flourishing development of jade works in the later ages.



