  • 學位論文


The Research of Modern Design by Using The Symbols of Han-Dynasty Ancient Jade Articles

指導教授 : 李福源


近年來,由於文化創意產業的興起,台灣各界逐步的對民族文化的價值也相 對的重視,不斷的著手文化創意的研發與設計,本研究為承續文化研究之使命, 特以中國古代特有的文物進行深入的分析與設計應用,經過多次的分析比較,本 研究係針對漢代古玉雲紋紋飾之外顯與內涵進行研究與分析,特以圖像學與文化 符碼作為漢代古玉之雲紋紋飾之基礎分析,進而闡述雲紋紋飾的圖像意涵,並萃 取其造型元素,轉化為手繪特徵曲線。 為了增加本研究的客觀性,遂以深入的文獻調查及專業設計師訪談的方式來 了解漢代古玉雲紋紋飾之文化設計元素,並應用於實際的設計案例之中。


古玉 圖像學 文化符碼 雲紋紋飾


In recent years, due to the emergence of the cultural creative industries, which has resulted in all Taiwanese cultural fields placing more and more importance on the Chinese culture, and a more constant devotion to the study, development and design of cultural creations. For the mission of passing on the culture studies, this research uses the particular Chinese ancient articles and proceeds to an in-depth analysis and design application, after myriads of analysis and comparisons, this research aims at the appearances and connotations of cloud patterns on the ancient jades from the Han dynasty and proceeds to research and analysis, and exclusively uses the iconology and the cultural code as the basic analysis, thus further expounding their iconic meanings, then extract their modeling elements, and transform them to the hand painted featured curves. In order to maintain the objectivity, the research uses the methods of an in-depth literature survey and interviews with designers across-the-fields, to understand the cultural design elements of the cloud patterns on the ancient jades from the Han dynasty, and then to interpret and apply to the actual design cases.


ancient jade cloud pattern iconology cultural code


New York, 1973,Vol. 2
2. Satia Bernen and Robert Bernen. Myth and Religion in European Painting ,
3. Wolfgang Brassat, Huberrus Kohle: MethodenReader Kunstgeschichte.Deubner
4. Bialostocki,Jan. “Iconography and Iconology”. In Encyclopedia of World Art.New
6. van Straten, Roelof: An Introduction to Iconography. Trans. By Patricia de Man.


