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August Conrady.鹽谷溫.魯迅-論環繞《中國小說史略》的一些問題

From August Conrady to Shionoya On to Lu Hsün- A Study of Literary Influence Focused on Lu hsün's A Brief History of Chinese Fiction


Lu Hsün 魯迅 (1881-1936) is better known to the general reader as a modern Chinese writer than as a pioneer in the study of Chinese literary history. It was his A Brief History of Chinese Fiction (中國小說史略, Peking, 1923-24) that marked the beginning of serious research in the field by a Chinese scholar. This work, however, had been influenced by the Japanese scholar Shionoya On's (1878-1962) Shina bungaku gairon kōwa (支那文學概論講話, Tokyo, 1919) especially in its view of the origin of Chinese fiction, which Shionoya On believed to be myths and legends. Although a similar view had already been expressed in Tsubouchi Shōyō's 坪內逍遙 (1859-1935) Shōsetsu Shinzui (小說神髓, Tokyo, 1885), we have no doubt that Shionoya On's view was derived from the German Sinologist, August Conrady (1864-1925). Germanism had played a very important role in the Meiji Restoration. In fact the Japanese government in the Meiji period sent more students to Germany than to any other Western country. Shionoya owed much of the success of his Kōwa to his acquaintance with the German Sinologist's Western approach to Chinese literature with its emphasis on popular genres such as drama and fiction. More than one third of Shionoya's book was devoted to a treatment of Chinese fiction, a subject hardly touched on previously by Japanese Sinologists with a traditionalist approach. It is interesting to note that Lu Hsün's Brief History was indirectly influenced by German scholarship through Shionoya's Kōwa. Furthermore, Lu Hsün had to revise and update the sources of his Brief History in 1930 since some important Chinese vernacular fictions had newly been discovered by Shionoya On himself in the Japanese imperial libraries. To redress the balance, Shionoya On also adopted some of Lu Hsün's arguments in the Brief History when he revised his Kōwa in 1942. This article is a preliminary attempt at investigating this rare case of mutual literary influence between a Chinese and a Japanese scholar in the study of Chinese literature.


