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The Case of Su Jia in the Northern Song Dynasty




北宋 太學 一道德 王安石 新法 新經義


Su Jia (?-c. 1128), a student of the Imperial Academy in the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127), wrote an examination essay in which he criticized the New Policies reforms initiated by Chief Councilor Wang Anshi (1021-1086). As the essay won high regards from the teachers at the Academy, Wang feared that students might be instigated to denounce the New Policies. He discharged more than half of the incumbent teachers, and, in turn, filled the vacancies with his own disciples and cronies. Together they helped to compile the New Classical Commentaries, a major publication that made it possible for Emperor Shenzong (r. 1067-1085) to accomplish his goal of a unified morality. This article provides an in-depth analysis of pertinent documentary sources as well as the people involved in the incident, explores the stark contrast in the court's attitudes towards the Imperial Academy before and after the case, and brings to light the political significance of the Case of Su Jia.

