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A Levee on Mount Jade Capital: From Six-Dynasties Rituals of Pacing the Void to Early Tang Poetry on Roaming in Transcendence




步虛 靈寶經 玉京山 嵩山 陳子昂


First found in Six-Dynasties Daoist scriptures, the image of Mount Jade Capital grew in literary value and assumed an important role in the poetry on roaming in transcendence (youxian shi遊仙詩) of the Tang. The present study is intended to trace the origin of this image and outline its development from a religious realm to a literary one, by looking into its various functions and allegorical meanings with a view to exploring how its sacred status and meaning in religious settings were assimilated and represented in poetry of high aesthetic appeal. The present essay examines the three-stage development of the image of Mount Jade Capital in medieval Chinese poetry. It first discusses the image in the context of "pacing the void" meditation and rituals in the Lingbao Daoist tradition. Focusing mainly on Yu Xin's (513-581) "Lyrics on Pacing the Void," our next task is to study how the image of Mount Jade Capital made its way from religious rituals to literary creation, what role it played, and what contributions it made. The third part takes Chen Ziang's (661-702) "Long Bamboo, with a Preface" as a central text in its discussion related to Mount Jade Capital and its relevance to the religious and political situation of the time. The findings in these three parts enable us to retrace the transformation of this poetic image, which eventually became an important "new transcendent realm" in Tang poetry.


Kristofer M. Schipper, “A Study of Buxu(步虛): Taoist Liturgical Hymn and Dance,” in Pen-Yeh Tsao and Daniel P. L. Law, eds., Studies of Taoist Ritual and Music of Today 國際道教科儀及音樂研討會論文集(Hong Kong: Chinese Music Archive, Music Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Society of Ethnomusicological Research in Hong Kong, 1989), pp. 110-20
王承文:〈中古道教「步虛」儀的起源與古寶靈經分類論考 —以《洞玄靈寶玉京山步虛經》為中心的考察〉,《中山大學學報(社會科學版)》2014年第4期,頁68–90
Zornica Kirkova, Roaming into the Beyond: Representations of Xian Immortality in Early Medieval Chinese Verse (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 333–49。


