  • 期刊

內外有別:《中國日報》(China Daily)對性少數群體的另類呈現(1991-2019)

Distinguishing Insiders and Outsiders: Alternative Representations of LGBT in the China Daily (1991-2019)




This paper explores the history of the representations of LGBT in the Chinese national English-language newspaper the China Daily, from 1991 to 2019. It divides the representations into four phases: the initial phase (1991-2003), the rapid growth phase (2004-2008), the peak phase (2009-2014) and the silent phase (2015-2019). The findings show that official Chinese media do not constitute a homogeneous entity; in contrast, they produce highly heterogeneous content while targeting domestic and international audiences. As one of the most important media in China that is responsible for international communication, China Daily, has to balance its readers' interests and its goal of "telling China's story." Compared with the People's Daily (Chinese edition), the China Daily's representation of the LGBT group is unconventional in its construction of a country that values freedom, openness, and tolerance. This representation has been made possible by changes in domestic and international contexts, LGBT activism in China, and journalist agency, which are justified in de-othering narratives that follow the logic of homonationalism.


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