  • 期刊


A Research on Relation between Outstanding Triathletes Specific Physical Capabilities and Sport Performances and the Predictive Model


目的:探討優秀鐵人三項選手專項體能與運動表現之關係。方法:本研究以21名國內男子優秀鐵人三項專長選手為研究對象,運動表現是指選手二年內在公開比賽之最佳成績。參與研究之受試必須在半年內無肌肉、骨骼之運動傷害。本研究所探討的鐵人三項專項體能包括:(一)游泳:100m速度;(二)游泳:400m速度耐力;(三)游泳:1500m耐力;(四)自由車:10km耐力;(五)跑步:5km耐力等5項。本研究以Pearson積差相關法分析鐵人三項之專項體能與鐵人三項運動表現之關係,統計檢定之顯著水準設定為α=.05。結果:除了5公里的跑步與鐵人三項最佳成績沒有顯著相關外,其餘四項均與鐵人三項最佳成績有顯著相關,以400m游泳、10km自由車與5km跑步三個專項預測鐵人三項最佳表現之預測模式的適配度最佳,也可以得到最大的R-square(.80)。結論與建議:未來鐵人三項之專項體能檢測宜選擇「游泳:400m (速度耐力)」、「自由車:10km(耐力)」及「跑步:5km(耐力)」等三個項目。


體能檢測 游泳 自行車 跑步


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to discuss the relations between outstanding triathletes, specific physical capabilities and sport performance. Methods: The objects in this research include 21 outstanding Taiwan male triathletes. The performance means their best performance in their open competitions within two years. The objects cannot have any muscle or bone injuries related to sport within six months. The triathletes, specific physical capabilities discussed in this research includes: (1) swimming: 100 meters, speed. (2) swimming: 400 meters, speed endurance. (3) swimming: 1500 meters, endurance. (4) cycling: 10 kilometers, endurance. (5) running: 5 kilometers, endurance. Pearson product-moment correlation was employed to analyze the relation between triathletes, specific physical capabilities and sport performances. The significance level of the statistical testing was set at α=.05.Results:Except that the relation between 5-kilometer running and the best performance of triathletes does not reach significant level, the other four events have reach significant levels with triathletes, best performances. The optimal goodness of fit of predictive model is use the 400-meter swimming, 10-kilometer cycling and 5-kilometer running to predict the triathletes, best performance. These tree test events also can obtain the highest R-square (.80). Conclusion: It is suggested to adopt 400-meter swimming (speed endurance), 10-kilometer cycling (endurance) and 5-kilometer running (endurance) to test triathletes, specific physical fitness in the future.


physical fitness test swimming cycling running
