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Fossil Ribbonfish (Perciformes: Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus) Found in Taiwan



本文是臺灣第一次研究帶魚化石類的報告。内容包括有三個魚牙化石:其中兩個是鉤牙,一個是尖牙。經與現生魚類比對的結果,發現此三顆牙爲白帶魚(Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus)的牙齒。其中鉤牙是屬於右上頷的第一及第二鉤牙,尖齒是左上頷第三顆齒。牙齒的長度依序是7.90mm,11.3mm,7.0mm;他們與現生白帶魚不同的地方是:1.尖牙的牙尖較鈍寬。2.牙齒較厚且寬。3.鉤牙的彎屈度較淺。由於牙齒本身的變異甚大,上述之三顆牙齒應屬白帶魚者,特訂爲白帶魚Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus。他的分類位置隸屬於鱸目(Order Perciformes),鯖亞目(Suborder Scombroidei),帶魚科(Family Trichiuridae),帶魚屬(Genus Trichiurus)。復原後此魚全長約一公尺左右。化石採集地爲臺南縣左鎮鄉菜寮溪。它們的地質年代屬更新世,崎頂層。


帶魚 化石魚 更新世 臺灣 崎頂層


This is the first report of the ribbonfish fossils found in Taiwan, based on three teeth collected, two are hooked and the other is pointed. When comparing with the teeth of the living Trichiurus lepturus, the three fossil teeth are slightly different by having both point and hook teeth thinker and wider, with less sharp at the tip of point tooth, and less bend in the hook tooth. Since the ribbonfish teeth are highly variable in external feature, it is expected that the three fossil teeth are possessed by the Trichiurus lepturus L.. Among the three teeth, the first two hooked teeth are located on right upper jaw, and the remaining one pointed tooth is located on left upper jaw, with maximal length measured in 7.9mm, 11.3mm, and 7.0mm respectively. The restored figure of this fish based on the teeth measurement estimated as 1m in total length. The fossil teeth were collected from the Tsai-Liao-Chi (River) in Tainan county. The geologic age of them are Pleistocene and Chi-Ting Formation.


Ribbonfish fossil fish Pleistocene Chi-Ting Formation Taiwan

