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Synecological studies on the natural forest of Taiwan(VI) An Ecological study of the Vgetation in the Limestone Area of Chingshui Shan



一、清水山區聳立於臺灣東部片岩山地東緣的大斷層崖上,位置在和平和太魯閣之間,為本省主要而代表之變質石灰岩地區。因其近海,受到東北季風之影響,全年雨量豐沛,更兼溫度較高,苦就桑氏(C . W. Thornthwaite)之氣候分類而言,山之低海拔地區屬於熱帶潤濕氣候,高海拔及背風地區則屬於溫暖潤濕氣候。二、根據調查分析,全區之植群,可分為二種: (一)森林植群;本區除了斷崖絕壁、山頂及山脊附近外,其餘地區都為茂密的森林所覆蓋。就大體言,海拔700公尺以下之地區,屬於亞熱帶常綠潤葉樹林,海拔700~2,000公尺間之地區,屬於暖温帶常綠闊葉樹林,海拔2,000公尺以上之處,則屬於暖溫帶針闊葉樹混交林。(二)石灰岩岩生植群;包括斷崖絕壁上的蘆竹過渡單叢以及山頂和山脊附近裸岩間隙的灌叢。構成灌叢之種類,大多可為代表該山區之石灰岩岩生植物。三、森林植群因組成複雜,經設樣區調查並以各樹種在各樣區內的重要植做介量,計測樣區間的相似性指數,並以樹形圖法進行群團分析,得知此植群可分為五個群叢。各群叢復因優勢種之局部佔有優勢,再可分為數簡叢或中途簡叢,如下;(一〉鐵杉、玉山杜鵑、昆欄樹群叢: (1)鐵杉、紅檜、玉山杜鵑簡叢。(2)五葉松、玉山杜鵑、高山櫟中途簡叢。(3)昆欄樹、森氏機簡叢。(二)狹葉櫟、大葉柯、長尾栲群叢。(1)狹葉櫟、短尾柯、薯豆、厚皮香簡叢。(2)狹葉櫟、高山櫟、厚皮香中途簡叢。(3)狹葉櫟、蘭嵌千金榆、校力簡叢。(4)狹葉櫟、大明橘、短尾柯簡叢。(5)長尾栲、奧氏虎皮楠、紅楠簡叢。(6)大葉柯、長尾栲簡叢。(三)九芎、雅楠、紅楠群叢。(四)森氏紅淡比、饅頭果、臺灣梣、太魯閣千金榆中途群叢。(五)三葉山香圓、大葉釣樟、豬母乳群叢。(1)九芎、小梗木薑子、江某簡叢。(2)三葉山香圓、豬母乳簡叢。(3)三葉山香園、糙葉榕、血桐中途簡叢。四、由現存各階段的植物推論,清水山區的植群演替,係由裸岩開始,在低海拔地區,將形成以三葉山香園、九芎及以桑科和樟科植物為主的典型亞熱帶雨林,在中海拔地區最後必然形成以樟科和殼斗科植物為主的樟櫧群叢,以及在高海拔地區演替到最後近極相林,將必形成鐵杉、紅檜、赤柯、昆欄樹群叢或鐵杉純林。至於在山頂和山脊附之地區,因妥地形及東北季風的影響,植群仍將長久停留在演替的初期,而此等演替初期的植群,才是由代表適生於石灰岩之岩生植物組成,成為代表之石灰岩岩生灌叢。五、根據調查統計,清水山區的維管束植物,計有600種,分別屬於136科,393屬。依生活型分析,其中以挺空植物所估的比例最高,約為55.4%。蕨類商數Ptph-Q為4.75,顯示本區氣候温暖而濕潤,適合於蕨類及地上植物的生長。




I. Mt. Chingshui stands highly on rocks of breaking strata. The area of it is situated between Hoping and Tailuko in the eastern part of Taiwan. It is a main and typical area of metamorphosed limestone. Because of its standing near the sea, easily influenced by the oceanic air current and the northeast monsoon, the area is rich in precipitation, with higher temperature all round the year. According to the climatic classification of C. W. Thornth-waite, the belt of low altitude belongs to the tropical humid climate and that of high altitude, to the mesothermal humid climate. II. There are two types of plant community found in the area. The one is the forest community and the other, the lithophytic plant community on limestone. Most of the area are covered by dense forest, except places such as the broken ridges, steep cliffs, and mountain tops where the vegetation is formed mostly by shrubs. According to our investigation, the forest found in area below 700m alt. is the subtropical rain forest, and that in area between 700m and 2,000m in altitude, the evergreen broad- leaved forest; while forest in area over 2,000m consists of both conifers an d broad-leaved trees, that is the mixed conifer-hardwood forest. The components of litho-phytic plant community on limestone are mainly shrubs and grasses. III. By using the matrix cluster analysis method, the forest community can be divided into five associations. Of these associations, three include a few to several faciations or facies. They are as follows: 1. Tsuga chinensis-Rhododendron pseudochrysahthum-Trochodendron aralioides Association. (1) Tsuga chinensis-Chamaecyparis formosensis-Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum Faciation. (2) Pinus morrisonicola-Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum-Quercus spinosa var . miyabei Facies. (3) Trochodendron aralioides- Cyclobalanopsis morii aciation. 2. Cyclobalanopsis stenophyIla- Pasania kawakamii-Castanopsis carlesii Association. (1) Cyclobalanopsis stenophylla-Pasania brevicaudata-Elaeocarpus japonicus- Terstroernia gymanthera Faciation. (2) Cyclobalanopsis stenophylla-Quercus spinosa var. miyabei-Tern-stroemia gymnanthera Facies. (3) Cyclobalanopsis stenophylla-Carpinus rankanensis- Lithocarpus amygdalifolius Faciation. (4) Cyclobalanopsis stenophylla-Myrsine sequinii-Pasania brevicaudata Facies. (5) Castanopsis carlesii-Daphniphyllum glaucescens-Machilus thunbergii Faciation. (6) Pasania kawakarnii-Castanopsis carlesii Faciation. 3. Lagerstroemia subcostata-Phoebe formosana-Machilus thunbergii Association. 4. Cleyera japonica var. morii-Glochidion fortunei-Fraxinus insularis-Carpinus hebestroma Associes. 5. Turpinia ternata-Lindera megaphylla-Ficus fistulosa Association. (1) Lagerstroemia subcostata-Litsea kostermansii-Sche fflera octophylla Faciation. (2) Turpinia ternata-Ficus fistulosa Faciation. (3) Turpinia ternata-Ficus irisana-Macaranga tanarius Facies. IV. From the fact that t he present plant features show a different period of succession, the sere of the vegetation in this area was clearly begun from the bare rock through the xerosere. It is believed that the vegetation below 700m alt. will still be the subtropical rain forest consisting of broadleaved trees, such as Turpinia ternata, Ficus irisana, Ficus fistulosa and Lindera megaphylla, and that covered in area at altitudes from 700m to 2,000m, the Lauro-Fagaceae Association; while the vegetation covered over 2,000m in altitude will be the climax forest composed of Tsuga chinensis, Cyclobalanopsis morii and Trochodendron aralioides or of only one species, viz., Tsuga chinensis alone in pure stand. Due to the precipitous topography and the prevailing of northeast monsoon, the vegetation on the ridges and mountain tops will still be remained in the early stage of lithosere. The plants occurring in these places are mainly shrubs and grasses and are considered to be the real calciphilous ones characteristic of this mountain. V. So far a total number of 600 species belonging to 396 genera and 136 families of vascular plants has been known. As an appendix added to this paper , the species are listed according to the system of Flora of Taiwan edited by Li et al; each species are marked with an abbreviation of name indicating life-form by C. Raunkiaer. Based on t he statistics of life-forms, most of the plants belong to phenerophytes with a percentage of 55.4. This clearly proved that the vegetations in this area are mostly of forests. From the higher Ptph-Q (Counted as 4.75), also it clearly indicates that the climate is warm and humid and is adapted enough to the growth of ferns and allies and chamaephytes.


