  • 期刊


"Disorder" and "Reconstruction": Study on the Conflicts Between Han and Hui in Yunnan and the Frontier Governance during the Dao-Xian Times in the Qing Dynasty (1856-1874)




The conflicts between Han and Hui has further intensified during the period of Xian-Tong (1856-1874), the national contradictions evolved into a long lasting and wide-ranging great uprising against the Qing dynasty of the Hui. The uprising presented a sudden, sharp, complex characteristics, resulting in social unrest, the border once out of control. Economic resources competition and uneven distribution, different religious cultures and customs, preference of government and officials, weak officials and strong people, lack of mutual trust between Han and Hui nationalities, local organization which named "Niucong", "Xiangbahui", stragglers and bandits have all become the main causes of conflicts. In dealing with the conflicts, the Qing government hoped to make use of and strengthen various social resources of the state in the border areas, so as to form a synergy and reconstruct the order of frontier.


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不著撰者 1986 《清實錄•宣宗成皇帝實錄》。北京:中華書局。
不著撰者 1987a 《清實錄•文宗顯皇帝實錄》。北京:中華書局。
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