  • 期刊


Using the UDOBE Education Learning Model in Programming Language Course


隨著人工智慧、物聯網、行動學習等與軟體共存的世界來臨,程式設計課程益發重要。普遍來說,程式設計對學生是一門不容易理解與學習的課程,如何讓學生可以針對自己的學習能力,進行程式設計學習,提高學生的學習動機與學習成效,本研究運用理解設計品質成果導向學習理論(Understanding by Design and Outcome-Based Education, UDOBE)進行課程教材設計,探討程式學習態度與程式學習成效。利用傳統教室教學並搭配學聯網磨課師數位課程進行補教教學,讓學生使用網路教學平台,依自己的能力自行調整進行程式設計學習。本篇論文的貢獻是運用理解設計課程品質成果導向學習理論進行建置程式語言數位教材並放置學聯網學習平台,引導學生了解程式設計技巧與語法、流程圖繪製與程式實作。將數位教材放置數位學習平台,讓學生可以隨時隨地依自己能力進行學習,研究結果顯示理解設計課程品質成果導向學習理論對於提升程式設計實作能力具有顯著成效。


The artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, and mobile learning mean that programming skills are increasingly essential. Programming language learning courses are regarded by many students as difficult and often have high dropout rates. Improving students' programming language skills and learning motivation is increasingly essential. Therefore, the emphasis in teaching practice has shifted from students' classroom scores to their learning processes and practical capabilities. This paper proposes a UDOBE learning model based on the understanding by design theory and outcome-based education theory. A programming language learning course was subsequently designed to evaluate the validity of the theory. The results of this study indicated that teaching programming languages using the UDOBE learning model improved students' programming language skills.


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