  • 期刊


The Status Quo of International Refugee Treatment with Its Legal Development and Limitation




The issue of refugees has a huge impact on the world. This article first introduces the current status of refugee in the international community and analyzes it from international law with various types of cases. It is defined by the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees about the scope of refugees and their protection. At the regional level, the United States, Europe and African countries adopted the treaty and declaration based on local conditions. In the case of individual countries facing the refugees and adopting the way to respond, each country has the legislation to deal with domestic refugee application cases to fulfill their duty and humanity concern, and also through UNHCR to help them to improve the asylum mechanism. As to the way of our country to handle the refugees, the refugee law was also drafted to respond it and not to fall behind other countries. However, in reality, it is indeed difficult to deal with refugee affairs. It is still awaiting the cooperative mechanisms and efforts of the members of international community.


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