  • 期刊


Consumer Protection in Private International Law: With Emphasis on the International Jurisdiction to Adjudicate in Consumer Contract Cases and the Choice of Law of Consumer Contracts




Cross-border consumers' access to justice has become a commonly debated topic in the contemporary world, especially with the contribution and influence of e-commerce. In a globalized world, where the fact of being a consumer is a valuable asset, the cross-border implications of consumer contracts need to be effectively tackled by legislators. The protection of consumers is a phenomenon that is gaining ever increasing importance. Consumer contracts generate original questions which have not been considered under traditional private international law theories. The application of private international law to consumer contracts raises new and complex questions. The assertion-of-court's-jurisdiction methodology and choice-of-law methodology are both based on contracts with a specific location so that they make the traditional private international law value-neutralized tool. The value-neutralized tool is based on contacts with a specific location that interferes with and breaks the goal and the enforcement of the consumer protection. For the purpose of eliminating the interference caused by the value-neutralized tool that interferes and breaks the goal and the enforcement of consumer protection, private international law should not keep its neutral nature but incorporates consumer protection. To incorporate consumer protection into private international law means to consider material consequence in advance when processing the assertion-of-court's-jurisdiction process and the choice-of-law process, and it makes private international law from the value-neutralized private international law to the value-oriented private international law. Consumer protection in private international law is now an integral part of legal systems around the world. It has also penetrated the realm of private international law. In this article, attention will be focused on the jurisdictional rules and conflicts rules relating to consumer contracts. This article will analyze how private international law incorporates consumer protection into the assertion-of-court's-jurisdiction process and the choice-of-law process. Finally, this article will make suggestions to "Law Governing the Application of Laws to Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements" of R.O.C..


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