  • 期刊


Introducing some concepts and practices of ship-transfer management through the experience as a mission commodore


一、我國軍事投資雖以「國防自主」雖為政策目標,囿於我國自製軍火市場規模太小對民間工業誘因不足等主要限制,美國對我軍售仍為我海軍重要之武器獲得途徑。二、美海軍國外軍售(FMS)移轉友邦海軍之艦船,均係屬國防剩餘物料(EDA);故依現況接收為規範,專案內編列工程款項,並依據「艦船加改裝及維修工項清單(SARP)」修復艦上裝備,以達到「正常操作」之功能為目標。三、冷艦移交主要任務期程包含:啟封工程、輪機啟動前評估、繫泊及海上試俥;接艦官兵須接受管道訓練及STAT駐地訓練,以符合「適航(Safe To Sail)」之水準。


1. Arms sales from the US is still considering a vital approach of weaponry acquisition for ROCN due to some critical deficiencies such as the smaller domestic weapon market insufficiently attracting involvement of local industry, even though "Independent supply by domestic sources" is one of our defense policy. 2. The transferred ships from USN in FMS cases are regarded as EDA in nature, therefore, the principle of "As is, where is" is being applied. The industrial funding will be drew up to restore onboard equipments and systems in accordant with the "Ship Alteration and Repair Package" to operational standard. 3. The major tasks along the entire schedule of transferring a cold ship will be including reactivation and overhaul, engineering light off assessment, dock trial and sea trials; the officers and crew will be requested to join the associated pipeline trainings in schools and on job trainings by STAT in the meantime, to meet the threshold of "Safe To Sail".
