  • 期刊


An Analysis of PRC's Military-Diplomacy Strategic Implication: Observed from The Chinese-Russian Naval Maneuvers of "Joint Sea 2015(I)"




1. PRC's leader Xi Jinping, in May 2015, was invited to Russian's biggest military parade, marking 70 years since victory in World War II, and attended the first stage of naval maneuvers of "Joint Sea 2015(I)". Then, took place the 11th Round of China-Russia Strategic Security Consultation. In the other side, the PRC's new white paper on "China's Military Strategy" even placed its military emphasis on enhancing Sino-Russian partnership of strategic coordination. Apparently, these two countries are heading towards to Paramilitary alliance in military-diplomacy. 2. In accordance with theories of international security, states seeking for power will eventually lead to security dilemma in anarchy of international system. Once a state falls into the security dilemma, it will definitely seek for cooperation with other states without letting spiral up and out of control. This article will discuss PRC's military-diplomacy strategies on its influence in the Euro-Asian region by holding naval maneuvers of "Joint Sea 2015(I)". By doing this, it will not only reverse the current situation of East-West strategic situation and help ease the tension between China and United Sates in North East Asia, but also be good for its economic development strategies of "One Belt and One Road".
