  • 期刊


Analyzing Prevention and Control of Modern Warfare by War Control


一、人類歷史上,戰爭總是每隔一段時間就會出現。戰爭是一種暴力行為,必對社會造成重大的損傷與破壞,戰爭的領導者或指揮者對暴力的使用,必須保持節制。「戰爭控制」是指把戰爭行為限制在預定的範圍之內,或是戰爭指導者對戰爭的發生、發展、規模、強度及後果等有意識地加以限制和約束的行為。二、「戰爭控制」的諸多環節,包括軍備控制、危機控制、衝突控制和局部戰爭控制等;涉及戰爭目的、手段、對象、時間與空間等要素的全面控制與全程控制。現代戰爭易引發成為全面戰爭,因此,「戰爭控制」制約戰爭爆發的規模與強度,漸漸地取代了全面戰爭。三、未來的戰爭,可以想像將會出現大量的新式武器。新式武器對戰爭的影響將會是全面的,像戰場不分前線與後方、人民無處躲避戰禍 等。因此,「戰爭控制」對未來戰爭的影響與新的戰爭景觀,具有舉足輕重之角色。


1.In human history, war has always appeared at regular intervals. War itself is a kind of violent behavior and it will inevitably cause major damage and destruction to society. Use of violence by leaders or commanders of war must be temperate. "War control" refers to the act of limiting war behavior to a predetermined range, or consciously restricting and restraining the war mentors from the occurrence, development, scale, intensity, and consequences of the war. 2.All aspects of "war control" include arms control, crisis control, conflict control, and local warfare control; its elements involve the full control and full control of elements such as the purpose, means, objects, time and space of the war. Modern warfare easily leads to a full-scale war. Therefore, "war control" restricts the scale and intensity of the outbreak of war and gradually replaces the full-scale war. 3.In future war, we can imagine that there will be a large number of new weapons. The impact of new weapons on the war will be comprehensive. For example, the battlefield will not divide the front line and the rear, and people will have nowhere to escape from the scourge of war. Therefore, "war control" plays a decisive role in the influence of future wars and new war landscapes.


War Control Crisis Control Limited War Art of War
