  • 期刊


A Study on the Development of Underwater Unmanned Vehicles and the Application of Anti-submarine Warfare


一、我國四面環海,腹地狹小、且陸上天然資源匱乏,面對國防、民生(糧食)、能源安全與國家的經濟發展,如何有效運用海洋資源及海上權益維護成為「重中之重」,這也意味著如何探索海洋環境,將更值得政府重視。二、反潛作戰(ASW)有「緩慢作戰(Awfully Slow Warfare)」的別稱,這與探索水下環境一般,均具有長時間、大範圍、高成本的特性。近年美軍與世界各國海軍亦積極投入各式「無人水下儎具」(UUV)運用在「水下作戰」之中,並可配合水面艦或是潛艦進行作戰任務;換言之,未來運用「UUV」於反潛作戰上將無可避免,亦將影響各國海軍作戰方式與思維的轉變。三、「無人水下儎具」泛指水面下的無人駕駛儎臺」,依據系統不同,可分為需要「人」操作的儎具,又稱為「遙控潛水器」(ROV);另一種因無電纜,可依自身動力與事前設定工作項目,獨立進行運作的「自主水下儎具」(AUV),且UUV已成為現今各國軍事發展的重點。海軍負有守護國家海洋的職責,更應對此有正確的認知與觀念,方能固守海上交通線的安全。


1.Our country is surrounded by the ocean, with limited hinterland and natural resources within the country. Effectively using marine resources and maritime rights to ensure the economic development, national defense, and necessities including food and power supply is the first priority. We have to emphasize the exploration of the ocean environment. 2."Anti-Submarine Warfare(ASW)" has another name of "Awfully Slow Warfare(ASW)". And this is the same as exploring the underwater environment, which has the characteristics of long-term, large-scale, and high cost. In recent years, the U.S. military and navies around the world have also actively invested in various unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) for use in underwater combat, it can cooperate with surface ships or submarines to carry out combat missions. Therefore, the use of underwater unmanned vehicles (UUV) in anti-submarine warfare in the future will inevitably affect the way and thinking of naval operations. 3.UUV carries two types: Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles(ROV) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles(AUV). ROV needs a cable to transmit power and controls signals for remoted control in real time. AUV works independently without cable, and it relies on its own power and pre-set work. For military operation purposes, AUV is the focus of military development. People should have a correct concept of AUV to ensure the safety of sea power.
