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溫度對欒樹圓尾蚜(Periphyllus koelreuteriae(Takahashi))(同翅目:毛蚜科)多態型各型蚜族群介量之影響

Effects of Temperatures on Population Parameters of Polymorphic Forms of Periphyllus koelreuteriae (Takahashi) (Homoptera: Chaitophoridae)


於5~30℃六個溫度下進行對欒樹圓尾蚜(Periphyllus koelreuteriae(Takahashi))孤雌胎生型、有性型、幹母及越夏型等各型蚜族群介量之影響。高溫30℃下此蚜無法存活,幹母及越夏型僅能分別存活於15℃、20℃及20℃、25℃兩個溫度下。各型蚜各齡期間具重疊現象,孤雌胎生型及有性型若蚜期所佔日齡範圍均較成蟲期為小,幹母以卵期所佔日齡範圍最大,越夏型則以一齡若蚜之日齡範圍最大。各型蚜齡別存活率(l_x)於溫度愈低時其l_x曲線愈延長。齡別繁殖率(m_x)於孤雌胎生型之高峰以25℃時每雌蟲每日產6.28隻子代為最高,有性型m_x之高峰以15℃時1.1隻(每日產子代/雌蟲)為最高,幹母則以20℃時6.67隻(每日產子代/雌蟲)為最高,而越夏型以25℃時之6.20隻(每日產子代/雌蟲)為最高。日齡-齡期繁殖值(R_(ij))之高峰出現於成蟲初期,20℃及25℃時孤雌胎生型雌蚜以第15及第12日齡可產16.95及16.32隻子代為高峰,有性型卵生雌蚜則以第20及第14日齡可產2.44及1.32隻子代為高峰,而以15℃時第26日齡可產3.78隻子代為最高。孤雌胎生型之齡別期望壽命(E_x)以5℃時之99天為最長而25℃時之29天為最短;有性型則以10℃時之59天為最長而25℃時之19天為最短。5℃ 25℃下孤雌胎生型族群皆為正成長,起始繁殖日齡愈早,內在增殖率(r)愈大,子代數愈多;有性型於5℃~25℃下僅15℃時之r值為正值,其他定溫下族群皆為負成長,幹母及越夏型在其存活溫度範圍內族群皆為正成長。各型蚜之平均世代時間(T)均隨溫度升高而逐漸縮短,以幹母於15℃時之85.20天為最長;孤雌胎生型於25℃時之14.85天為最短,5℃ 25℃下之平均世代時間與內在增殖率呈負相關(相關係數為r=-0.97026,P=0.0061)。


Effects of temperatures on population parameters of polymorphic forms of the goldenrain tree aphid, Periphyllus koelreuteriae (Takahashi), were studied from 5 to 30°C at 5 degree intervals. It was found that this species can not survive at 30°C. The fundatrix and the aestivating form can survive only at 15 to 20°C and 20 to 25°C, respectively. The stage frequency distribution of all forms overlapped between stages, and the age frequency distribution of adults on the viviparous form and the sexual form was always wider than that of nymphs. The distribution of age frequency of the egg stage was the widest among all stages for the fundatrix, and that of the first nymphal stages was the widest for the aestivating form. Age-specific survivorship (l_x) extended as temperature decreased for polymorphic forms of the aphid. The peak of fecundity line (m_x) of the viviparous form was 6.28 offspring at 25°C, 1.1 offspring at 15°Cof the sexual form, 6.67 offspring at 20°Cof the fundatrix, and 6.20 offspring at 25°C of the aestivating form. Peaks of age-stage specific reproductive values (R_(ij)) appeared at the beginning of the adult stage, with the highest daily reproduction of an average of 16.95 offspring/female for the viviparous form on the 15th day at 20°C and 16.32 offspring/female on the 12th day at 25°C. The sexual form peaks of R_(ij) were 2.44 and 1.32 offspring/female on the 20th and 14th days, respectively, and the peak was 3.78 offspring/female at 15°C. The longest age-specific expectation of life (E_x), of 99 days, was found at 5°C for the viviparous form while the shortest was 29 days at 25°C; and the longest E_x was 59 days for the sexual form at 10 °C , and the shortest was 19 days at 25°C. The population of the viviparous form experienced positive growth from 5°C to 25°C ; the earlier the reproductive period begin, the bigger was the intrinsic rate of increase (r) and greater was the number of offspring. The population of the sexual form experienced positive growth only at 15°C, with negative growth at other temperatures of from 5 to 25°C . Both population s of the fundatrix and the aestivating form experienced positive growth in their survival range. The mean generation time (T) of all forms was gradually reduced with increasing temperature, with the longest T of 85.20 days at 15°C for the fundatrix and the shortest of 14.85 days for the viviparous form. The mean generation time (T) and the intrinsic rate of increase (r) were negatively correlated (r = -0.97026, P = 0.0061).


陳明吟(2015)。荔枝葉蟎 (Oligonychus litchii Lo et Ho) 在番石榴上之生活史、空間分布及族群動態探討〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2015.00031
