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Detection and Application of Paenibacillus larvae larvae Spores in Honey


本文建立了檢測西洋蜂(Apis mellifera)蜂蜜中蜜蜂美洲幼蟲病(American foulbrood,AFB)病原菌-幼蟲芽孢桿菌(Paenibacillus larvae larvae)的檢測方法,最低檢出量為181 spores/g。利用此方法檢測國產蜂蜜樣本共124件,結果顯示31件(25%)可檢出幼蟲芽孢桿菌。本文也利用此檢測法評估羥四環素(oxytetracycline,OTC)對AFB的防治效果。實驗結果顯示,當蜂群嚴重感染AFB時(病徵數>500),其蜂群幼蟲死亡率可達62%,蜂蜜中的幼蟲芽孢桿菌孢子密度則達1.2×10^6 spores/g;此時將蜂群進行換箱處理後區分為三個組別,其中兩組分別餵食含125 mg OTC與50 mg OTC的果糖漿,另一組則餵食純果糖漿,此後每週定期檢測試驗蜂群的AFB病徵數、幼蟲死亡率與蜂蜜中幼蟲芽孢桿菌孢子密度。實驗結果顯示,餵食含125 mg OTC果糖漿者,其蜂群未再檢出AFB病徵與幼蟲芽孢桿菌孢子,幼蟲死亡率也迅速下降至正常水平,如此顯示罹病蜂群已獲得有效防治。餵食含50 mg OTC果糖漿與純果糖漿者,則無法有效防治AFB,其幼蟲死亡率多呈現短暫下降而後上升的趨勢,而且蜂群多於3-6週後再度檢出AFB病徵與幼蟲芽孢桿菌孢子。


For this study, we constructed methods to detect the number of Paenibacillus larvae larvae spores in honey, and found that the detection limit was 181 spores/g of honey. Honey samples were examined using this method, and we found detectable levels of P. l. larvae in 31 of 124 samples from Taiwan. This method was also used to investigate the control effects of oxytetracycline (OTC) on American foulbrood (AFB). The results showed that in bee colonies with a heavy AFB infection (AFB signs > 500), the larval mortality might reach 62%, and the spore density might reach 1.2 × 10^6 spores/g of honey. All combs of these infected colonies were replaced with healthy ones and divided into three groups: one group was just fed syrup; one was medicated with 125 mg OTC; and the other one was given 50 mg OTC syrup. Their AFB signs, larval mortality, and spore density in honey were counted weekly. The results showed that 125 mg of OTC syrup eventually prevented AFB recurrence; i.e. no detectable levels of AFB signs or spores and normal larval mortality were found in the investigating period. However, good AFB prevention could not be achieved with treatment using syrup only or with 50 mg OTC medication. The larval mortality of these groups decreased with treatments but then increased again, and detectable spores and AFB signs were found in most samples in 3-6 weeks post-treatment.
