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Studies on the Vectors and Pathogens of Scrub Typhus on Murine-like Animals in Kinmen County, Taiwan


從1999年8月至2000年6月間在金門縣金城鎮、金湖鎮、金沙鎮、金寧鄉及烈嶼鄉等五鄉鎮進行定期之捕鼠,並採集鼠身上恙蟎。發現金門縣的鼠類包括囓齒目(Rodentia)動物4種:黃胸鼠(Rattus flavipectus)、屋頂鼠(R. rattus)、溝鼠(R. norvegicus)及月鼠(Mus caroli);和食蟲目(Insectivora)動物1種-臭鼩(Suncus murinus)。鼠類之總捕獲率為28.11%,其中以黃胸鼠數量最多(91.67%),臭鼩其次(3.57%)。鼠類之帶蟎率以2000年4月最低為55%,2000年6月最高98%。金門縣鼠類恙蟎指數,以1999年8月最高為382,2000年4月最低為6。同一時期金門縣恙蟲病確定病例數與恙蟎指數呈現相關關係。鼠類之恙蟲病立克次菌抗體陽性率除2000年4月之檢出率為82.2%較低外,其餘月份均在90%以上。恙蟎種類鑑定結果,共發現5屬8種恙蟎,包括已知種類7種,未知種類1種,其種類與所佔比率分別為地里恙蟎(Leptotrombidium deliense):53.40%、小板恙蟎(L. scutellare):33.43%、中華無前恙蟎(Walchia chinensis):12.06%、于氏恙蟎(L. yui):0.70%、巨螯齒恙蟎(Odontacarus majesticus):0.28%、印度囊棒恙蟎(Ascoschoengastia indica):0.08%、合輪恙蟎屬一種(Helenicula sp.):0.04%以及英帕恙蟎(L. imphalum):0.01%。地里恙蟎於4月開始出現,至8月達高峰,是為金門縣明顯的夏季優勢種;相對地小板恙蟎僅出現於11月至次年4月,為金門縣冬季優勢種。中華無前恙蟎全年皆可發現,但以夏季密度較高。金門縣之恙蟎帶病原情形以最小感染率(minimum infection rate, MIR)表示,地里恙蟎及小板恙蟎的MIR分別為12及5,此結果顯示地里恙蟎為可能夏季恙蟲病病媒,小板恙蟎為冬季自然儲主間恙蟲病病媒;由於中華無前恙蟎亦帶有立克次菌,MIR為8,其雖不叮咬人,但可能在動物間傳播病原有其重要性。經雙階聚合酶連鎖反應(nested-PCR)產物以限制酶HhaI及SfaNI切割,發現金門縣恙蟎之恙蟲病立克次菌血清型型別以Karp及Gilliam為主,另發現有許多未定名的種類。


Five species of murine-like animals were obtained in five towns of Kinmen County, Taiwan from August 1999 to June 2000. Four species were members of the Muridae of the Rodentia, Rattus flavipectus, R. rattus, R. norvegicus and Mus caroli, and one species was of the Soricidae of the Insectivora, Suncus murinus. The total capture rate of murine-like animals was 28.11%. Among these specimens, R. flavipectus was dominant, representing 91.67% of the collected animals, followed by S. murinus (3.57%). The percentage of animals infected with chiggers ranged from 55% to a peak of 98%, while the mean number of chiggers per animal ranged from six to 382. Our study showed that the seasonal variation in the mean number of chiggers per animal was slightly correlated with the seasonal incidence of human infection. Except for April 2000, the seropositive rates of these animals against Orientia tsutsugamushi exceeded 90% in each survey. Eight species of chiggers were identified, including Leptotrombidium deliense (53.40%), L. scutellare (33.43%), Walchia chinensis (12.06%), L. yui (0.70%), Odontacarus majesticus (028%), Ascoschoengastia indica (0.08%), Helenicula sp. (0.04%), and L. imphalum (0.01%). Our survey showed that L. deliense appeared from April to November, with a peak occurring in August, whereas L. scutellare appeared from November to April, with a peak occurring in December. Walchia chinensis occurred throughout the year, but was more abundant in summer. The state of O. tsutsugamushi infection was demonstrated by the minimum infection rate (MIR). The MIRs of L. deliense and L. scutellare were 12 and 5, respectively. These results indicate that L. deliense may be the vector in summer, while L. scutellare may transmit disease in winter. Walchia chinensis has not been reported to bite humans, but it was found to harbor O. tsutsugamushi with an MIR of 8, and it may transmit rickettsia among animal reservoirs. In this study, the nested polymerase chain reaction (nested-PCR) was followed by digestion with the restriction enzymes HhaI and SfaNI, to classify serotypes of O. tsutsugamushi. We found that Karp and Gilliam were dominant, but that other different local strains already exist.


