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利用餌劑防治入侵紅火蟻(Solenopsis invicta)試驗初探

A Preliminary Report on Bait Use to Control the Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) in Taiwan


為評估在台灣利用餌劑防治入侵紅火蟻(Solenopsis invicta)的可行性,本試驗以台北大學三峽校區作為基地,分別試驗3種入侵紅火蟻緊急防治用藥,包括百利普芬(0.5% Pyriproxyfen)、賜諾殺(0.015% Spinosad)及芬普尼(0.00015% Fipronil)的防治效果。本試驗自第一次施藥後兩週起,每2個月再施藥1次。施用的藥劑及用量為百利普芬及芬普尼2kg/ha,賜諾殺3kg/ha,防治效果之評估則以掉落式陷阱法,在試驗區內每隔20 m設置一個密度調查偵測管,偵測後24小時回收偵測管,並計算管中的火蟻數量。偵測日期的規劃為第1次施藥前進行偵測1次,之後,在施藥的1~2星期前各實施偵測1次。從2004年11月10日起,經過4次的施藥後,證實供試的3種餌劑在台灣對於入侵紅火蟻有明顯的防治效果,各處理區之防治率達98%以上。


入侵紅火蟻 餌劑 藥劑試驗


In this study, we attempted to determine the effectiveness of various baits to control the red imported fire ant (RIFA, Solenopsis invicta Buren) in Taiwan. National Taipei University's (NTPU) Sansia campus was used as the experimental site to assess the control effect of three kinds of bait on the RIFA. The baits used during the study were Esteem® Ant Bait (0.50% Pyriproxyfen w/w), Cease Fire (0.00015% Fipronil), and Justice Fire Ant Bait (0.015% Spinosad). The respective baits were applied at dosages of 2, 3, and 2 kg/ha every 2 months. The effect of baits on controlling the RIFA was evaluated using the pit-fall trap method by establishing traps at 20-m intervals on the campus. These traps were retrieved after 24 h and the number of RIFAs trapped was calculated. We monitored RIFA density once before the application of the baits, and then in the second, fourth, and eighth weeks after application of the baits. The result of the study revealed that after four applications of the baits, the control rate in each experimental area exceeded 98%.


Kafle, L. (2010). 以入侵紅火蟻(膜翅目:蟻科)覓食習性為基礎研發其抗水性防治餌劑 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.00818
Chen, Y. C. (2009). 病毒感染對入侵紅火蟻及臺灣本土螞蟻種間競爭之影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.01911
