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  • OpenAccess

Movement of the Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in a Guava Orchard with Special Reference to Its Population Changes

東方果實蠅((Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel))(雙翅目:果實蠅科)在番石榴園中之族群變動及遷移


A whole-year census of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), in a guava orchard was conducted to determine its annual population dynamics and diel activity pattern. Movement of the fly into and out of the orchard is also discussed according to its population changes in the orchard. The peak population of B. dorsalis within the orchard coincided with the fruiting season. Inside the orchard, no flies were present in the evening; however, flies were found in the morning and their population reached a peak in the afternoon. Throughout the year females predominated with a mean ratio of 3.69:1. The ratio was higher in the afternoon than in the morning. Most females in the orchard were mated, and most of them were found on the fruit. Censuses in a plum, peach, and loquat orchard during their fruiting seasons were also carried out to confirm some of the findings. Our study indicates that the oriental fruit fly exhibits a diel pattern of movement into and out of the orchard. Females are more likely than males to visit the orchard, and their movement into the orchard seems to be for the purpose of oviposition.




果實蠅 Bactrocera dorsalis 行為 生態 日週期模式
