  • 期刊


Rural Studies and Agrarian Change: looking back and forward


本文目的主要在探索近年西方主流鄉村研究的重要議題,並指出東亞的鄉村研究如何參與及介入到這些學術論辯。本文主要分為三大部份:首先我將爬梳過去三十年來,由政治經濟學研究傳統所開啟的農政變遷研究。我將觸及幾個研究主題:包括古典的馬克思農業問題(Agrarian Questions)、食物體制以及全球農民運動。第二部份則是討論由文化研究取徑所引發的鄉村性(rurality)研究及其批評,並處理晚近社會科學關於物質性(materiality)的討論,如何提供鄉村研究理論養份以及未來可能的研究主題與挑戰。第三部份我亦稍作討論東亞的研究如何對於上述二支研究作出貢獻。


This paper is a progress report on rural studies in leading international academic journals. This paper is divided into three parts. The first section focuses on a political economic approach to agrarian change and peasant studies. This part specifically deals with issues such as food sovereignty, food regime and transnational agrarian movements. The second part of this article discusses so-called rurality studies inspired by cultural studies and its critique. In this section, I briefly discuss how the analysis of materiality offers beneficial insight into rural studies. The final part of this paper focuses on the contribution of East Asian scholars to the studies of rural culture and agrarian change.
