  • 期刊


The Influential Mechanism of Students' Educational Aspiration Among Hans, Aborigines, and New Immigrants in Taiwan


本研究從James S. Coleman家庭社會資本論出發,延伸威斯康辛模型研究,以偏最小平方法之結構方程模型,分析2012年屏東教育長期追蹤資料庫小學六年級學生及其家長資料,目的在探討影響學生教育抱負的因果機制,並探究原漢、陸配和外配不同族群背景在此一模型上的差異。研究結果發現,家庭社經地位愈高,學業成績愈好;父母教育期望愈高,家庭內社會資本愈雄厚,進而提高學生教育抱負。其次,控制學業成績、家長教育期望、導師教育期望和家庭內社會資本等變項,家庭社經地位對於學生教育抱負的影響消失,顯示本研究找出影響學生教育抱負的重要中介。在族群比較方面,由於家庭社經地位對學業成績有很大影響,所以族群間家庭社經地位的不同是造成族群間學業成績差異的重要原因,進而影響其子女教育抱負。


Based on Coleman's family social capital theory, this study extended the study of Wisconsin model to explore the influential mechanism of students' educational aspiration and the differences among Hans, aborigines, and new immigrants. The study used partial least squares techniques to analyze the data from Pingtung Education Longitudinal Survey for the sixth graders in 2012. Results indicate that having higher family socioeconomic status (SES), students get better academic performance, perceive higher parental educational expectation, and own more family social capital, thus enhancing their educational aspiration. Second, after controlling academic performance, parental educational expectation, and family social capital, the effect of SES on students' educational aspiration becomes non-significant. Important mediators in this influential mechanism were found. In terms of the racial multi-group comparison, owing to the strong effect of SES on academic performance, the differences of SES on different races are the main causes that result in the gap of academic performance and then exert an influence on educational aspiration.


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