  • 期刊


College Students' Views of the Goals of Adapted Physical Education Courses in Taiwan




This study explored the views of college students with disabilities of the goals of adapted physical education courses. A questionnaire was distributed to 216 students with disabilities from 53 colleges in Taiwan. Using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and the structural equation modeling test, the study found that: (a) students with disabilities had high expectations for adapted physical education courses, and they indicated that the courses did not effectively meet their expectations; (b) students with mild disabilities were more satisfied than students with moderate and severe disabilities with the education goals reached; the students who enrolled in inclusive physical education classes experienced better conditions than those enrolled in segregated physical education classes to participate into the adapted physical education courses; (c) significant correlation was found between the courses offered and the students' expectations, but the students' personal conditions did not have correlation with their expectations. The study will contribute to improving adapted physical education for college students with disabilities.


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