  • 期刊


The Research of the Variables on Special Education Teacher's Background towards the Professional Knowledge Development




This thesis aims to discuss the status quo and influence of the variable on teacher background towards professional knowledge development. The study is based on the self-editing research instruments from the references and thesis, to compile the scale of the teacher's professional knowledge development at the special school. A total number of 849 special education teachers were selected from the research population of 1,634, to be samples for the formal study; besides, 690 questionnaires were valid. The outcome of the study comes as follows. I. The status quo of the special education teacher's professional knowledge development: including the proficiency phases from course knowledge and editing teaching materials, teaching methods and materials as well as multiple assessment, class management and student guidance, teacher's capability, introspective ability and innovative growth etc., each phase demonstrates favorable characteristics above average. The following results are based on variation analysis of different backgrounds. II. Analysis of the variables from different backgrounds: 1. Among the variable from the different genders, the teacher's knowledge development at the special school would not be different regarding different genders. 2. According to the variable of different teaching tenure, the whole scale from course knowledge and editing teaching materials, teaching methods and materials as well as multiple assessments, teacher's general ability, introspective ability and innovative growth shows prominently different. 3. The variable of the different academic degrees shows no difference. 4. Among the variable of the different special educational professions, the whole scale from course knowledge and editing teaching materials, teaching methods and materials as well as multiple assessment, professional knowledge development demonstrates prominently different. 5. Among the variable of the different school categories, a teacher's professional knowledge development shows no difference. 6. Among the variable of the different teaching areas, there is no difference in the teacher's professional knowledge development. 7. Among the variable of the different teaching stage, there is no difference in the teacher's professional knowledge development. 8. Among the variable of different teacher's qualifications, the phase of the introspective ability and innovative growth illustrates a prominent difference. According to the report, the researcher suggested that these analyses be the references to the educational administrations, schools, case officers of special education classroom and future research.
