  • 期刊


Verb Complement Construction in Dongshi Hakka


本文是對東勢客家話動補結構的初步考察。東勢鎮位於臺中縣中部偏東,其客家話與臺灣通行的四縣與海陸客家話不同,屬於來自廣東大埔的大埔客家話。本文使用兩種語料來源,一為田野調查所得的一手資料,一為東勢文化工作者采集記錄、保留珍貴口語語料的《東勢鎮客語故事集》。本文分別描述動補結構的幾個次類-結果補語、趨向補語、狀態補語、可能補語與程度補語-在東勢客家話的表現。除分項描述其語義/語法特色外,本文並從漢語史與語法化的角度討論東勢客家話動補結構的若干現象。如動結式中否定詞和副詞的位置可以反映動詞和補語的複合程度,以及補語的語法化程度;東勢客家話特殊的「V kin3緊Cd」結構可能相當於近代漢語裡的「動-將-趨」結構;「punl ki2分佢」的合音‘pi2’作為狀態補語標記來源於致使義動詞的語法化;以及可能補語的賓語位置反映唐宋時期的語序,並產生出類推而來的新形式「VO tet7得C」等等。


This paper is a preliminary survey of verb complement constructions in Dongshi Hakka, a dialect spoken in the central part of Taiwan. Dongshi Hakka is thought to derive from Dapu Hakka in Guangdong and differs from the more predominant Sixian or Hailu Hakka in Taiwan. Two kinds of data sources are used in this paper. One is materials gathered from the fieldwork by the author, and the other is the colloquial materials recorded in seven volumes of 東勢鎮客語故事集 [A collection of Dongshi Hakka stories]. In this paper, the five subtypes of verb complement constructions in Dongshi Hakka, namely, resultative, directional, manner, potential, and degree complement, are described. In addition, some characteristics are discussed and explained from the viewpoints of grammaticalization and diachronic grammar of Sinitic languages. For example, it is argued that the special 'V kin3(緊) Cd' construction is probably equivalent to the 'V+Jiang(將)+Cd' construction in Early Mandarin, and that pi2, the fusion form of pun1 ki2, functioning as a manner complement marker is grammaticalized from the causative meaning of the verb pun1.
