  • 期刊


Extend Life and Transcend Death: A Discussion of "Chanting the Buddha's Name" in the Teachings of Medicine Buddha and Amitabha Buddha




藥師如來 阿彌陀佛 稱佛名號 念佛 濟生 度死


"Medicine Buddha's extension of l ife" and "Amitabha Buddha's transcendence of death" are popular sayings which adapt to beings needs. The two doctrines both use the convenient method as a device for saving sentient beings, guiding beings to the Mahayana, and obtaining ultimate relief. This article takes chanting of the name of Buddha as the main point of discussion to differentiate and analyze the similarities and differences between "chanting the Buddha's name" and "being mindful of the meritorious virtues of the Buddha." Further, it will contrast the teachings of Medicine Buddha to the teachings of Amitabha Buddha in terms of the meaning of saving sentient lives and the practice of the chanting the Buddha name. This article points out that chanting the Buddha's name also has the meaning of the continual remembrance of the virtues of the Buddha, and the practice with that connotation. Also, the name of the Buddha has immeasurable merit when people hear it. By the merits brought by the Buddha's vows, people can obtain rebirth in the Pure Land. In The Sutra on The Original Vows of the Medicine Master Tathagata of Lapis Lazuli Light of the Medicine Buddha, "Buddha name" appears nineteen times, "hear my name" appears six times, and "recite the name of the Medicine Buddha" only one time. This is not a few. It can clearly be seen that when the start of the teaching of Medicine Buddha, the thought of being mindful of the meritorious virtues of the Buddha became popular, and thus has been affected. Especially, the way of all Buddhas is the same, equality exists in the Buddhas' Pure Land. Amitabha Buddha and Medicine Buddha complement each other, and save sentient beings together. Chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha can help us to be reborn in the Pure Land of Medicine Buddha, and chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha can help us to be reborn in the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. This reaches the true meaning of the complement of extending life and transcending death.


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