  • 學位論文

念佛療心:從一位佛教徒皈依的生命敘說探 討佛法和心理治療之間的關係

Reciting Buddha to heal mind:Exploring the relationship between Buddhism and psychotherapy from the narrative of a Buddhist's conversion

指導教授 : 譚偉象


摘要 本研究的主要目的在於了解佛法如何影響佛教徒對人生的看法及其生活態度的轉變,了解佛法如何幫助佛教徒達到心靈上的平靜。並藉由這名佛教徒的生命故事,從中分析其學佛歷程和心理治療之間的關係,並試圖連結佛法與心理治療、搭起佛法與心理治療之間的橋樑,希望最終能有機會運用佛法中的道理來作為心理治療的參考。 本研究採取質化研究的方向進行,以敘說研究及生命史的方法論作為研究的基礎。研究對象是研究者在念佛會所認識的一位長輩-「阿枝伯」,阿枝伯是一名信仰十分虔誠的佛教徒。研究範圍則是以阿枝伯生命中所歷經的艱難處境及重大關鍵事件為主述的部分,關注於阿枝伯如何應用佛法中的道理來幫助自己度過難關,如何自我開導來看破放下、如何解脫長期以來心理上所承受的痛苦,進而達到心靈上的自由與安詳。在資料的收集上主要是以半結構式的深度訪談法為主,對阿枝伯進行訪談,並根據錄音的資料、撰寫阿枝伯的生命故事,最後研究者以第三人稱的講述口吻、帶領讀者進入阿枝伯的生命故事。 在阿枝伯的生命故事中,可以發現其生命三個主要的軸向,分別是「工作」、「家庭」、「佛法」的三個主軸,阿枝伯前半生的生命幾乎都是在工作和家庭(原生家庭及自組家庭)兩條軸線中行進著,兩條軸線互為影響、也互為拉扯。辛勤工作的背後是為了保護自己心愛的妻兒子女,讓他們能過好的生活;而守護妻兒子女的決心,反過來又給予阿枝伯不斷努力工作,以及面對艱苦人生的重要力量;但阿枝伯長年受到原生家庭的羈絆,是其陷入心理痛苦的主要環境脈絡。在阿枝伯後半生的生命中,因為皈依成為佛教徒,接觸佛法,發心以佛法作為生命的依歸,遂開啟心靈的療傷之旅,將悲傷淚水、煩惱痛苦,逐漸化解與放下,並得以一步步突破困境,尋求心靈的平靜及回歸自己的本心,因此佛法的主軸在阿枝伯的生命中是一條極為重要的軸線。 透過論文研究的進行,不僅讓研究者有幸了解阿枝伯從坎坷的人生遭遇、步入學佛的生命歷程,且在撰寫及分析阿枝伯的生命故事時,也讓研究者了解到佛法的道理可以幫助佛教徒從痛苦中解脫。此外,在研究者自我檢視及自我覺察的過程中,讓研究者得以重新看待自己身為一名立志成為助人工作者的態度,也從中看見阿枝伯的生命故事對研究者本身的影響和意義。


心理治療 佛法 敘說研究


Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe and explore how Buddhist doctrine influences a Buddhist’s view of life and help him achieve a peaceful mind. Through this Buddhist’s life story, researcher wants to analyze and understand the relationship between the process of learning Buddhist doctrine and psychotherapy. Basing on the link between Buddhist doctrine and psychotherapy, maybe we can apply Buddhist doctrine in psychotherapy someday. Narrative research methodology is used in this study. The participant is the elder Whom the researcher knows in a Buddha name group. The elder’s name is Ah-Jy-Bor. He is a very religious Buddhist . This study’s research domain includes difficult situations and critical events that Ah-Jy-Bor experienced. Focusing on how Ah-Jy-Bor uses Buddhist doctrine to help him cope with difficult situations, let painful thoughts go, being delivered from painful mind that disturbed him for a long time, and achieves a free and peaceful mind finally. The researcher uses the method of semi-structured in-depth interview to collect data. According to tape records, the researcher writes Ah-Jy-Bor’s life story and presents this story to readers finally. In Ah-Jy-Bor’s life story, we can discover three developmental lines of his life, including work, family, and Buddhist doctrine. In most of Ah-Jy-Bor’s life, work and family influence each other. In order to protect his wife and children, he worked very hard. He wanted them to have a good life. The decision to protect his wife and children makes Ah-Jy-Bor work hard constantly and gives him emormous power to face difficult life. Since Ah-Jy-Bor was disturbed by his original family for a long time, it was the primary environment context that makes him feel suffering. When Ah-Jy-Bor was about 40 years old, he started to know Buddhism, then conversed to a Buddhist, and decided to adopt Buddhist doctrine to his direction of life. So he began the journey to heal his suffering mind. He was delivered from suffering and broke through difficult situations gradually by the power of Buddhist doctrine. Finally he searched for a peaceful mind and returned to his true heart. So Buddhist doctrine was a very important developmental line in Ah-Jy-Bor's life. This study not only makes the researcher understand Ah-Jy-Bor’s conversion process, but also makes the researcher realize that Buddhist doctrine can help a Buddhist go away from suffering. In this process of self-awareness, the researcher adopts a new view to see the attitude of a helper that the researcher wants to be. In addition, the researcher discover how Ah-Jy-Bor's life story influence the researcher's self and find out meaning.


psychotherapy narrative research Buddhism


