  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Lotus Sutra Focusing on Upayakausalya and its Possible Contribution to the Contemporary Construction of Buddhist Thought





法華經 般若經 善巧方便


In this paper, the author begins with the dialogue between Master Lushan Huiyuan (AD 334-416) and the famous Buddhist translator Master Kumarajiva (344-413) in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The Prajnaparamita Sutra proposed an analogy for the relation between Prajnaparamita and upayakausalya (skillful means) of a bodhisattva as the two wings of a bird, thus promoting discussion of the contrast between the Prajnaparamita Sutra and another famous Mahayana Buddhist classic, the Lotus Sutra. Based on this discussion, this paper tries to make a detailed analysis of the related analogy in the Astasahasrika prajnaparamita, the earliest Prajnaparamita Sutra. Meanwhile, the author also cites other evidence in this sutra to emphasize the similarity between Prajnaparamita and upayakausalya. Next, by reinterpreting the Lotus Sutra, the author demonstrates that concepts and thought related to skillful means are the core and most important ideas in this classic early Mahayana scripture. By doing so, our paper confirms the extremely important position of this special bodhisattva wisdom, skillful means, in Mahayana thought. The author also seeks to outline the logic of Mahayana thought based on upayakausalya. Finally, the author innovatively reveals the meaning of this kind of bodhisattva wisdom towards the contemporary construction of Buddhist thought.


《道行般若經》,東漢.支婁迦讖譯,《大正藏》冊 8,第 224 經。
《大明度經》,吳.支謙譯,《大正藏》冊 8,第 225 經。
《摩訶般若鈔經》,前秦.曇摩蜱、竺佛念譯,《大正藏》冊 8,第 226 經。
《小品般若波羅蜜經》,姚秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《大正藏》冊 8,第 227 經。
《佛說十地經》,唐.尸羅達摩譯,《大正藏》冊 10,第 287 經。
